Experience God’s Presence

Welcome to
Calvary Tremont Baptist Church

We are committed to the witness and advancement of the mission of Christ, ourselves, and our community.

You Matter To God. You Matter to Us.

At Calvary Tremont Baptist Church, we are devoted to the Spiritual growth and development of our families, ourselves, and our community through the practice of Spiritual disciplines and fidelity to the Scriptures as the governing force in all our plans.

Living Hope For Real People

At Calvary Tremont Baptist Church, we are devoted to the Spiritual growth and development of our families, ourselves, and our community through the practice of Spiritual disciplines and fidelity to the Scriptures as the governing force in all our plans.

Join Our Community

Worship Times
Sundays 11:00AM
Sunday School

Sundays 9:45AM
(Currently suspended)

Bible Study

Wednesdays 7:00PM
via Zoom

Message from Pastor Terry J. Townes

Greetings All,

On behalf of the Officers and Members of Calvary Tremont Baptist Church, it is my extreme pleasure to welcome you to our new and improved website. Our mission is to Reach people who have no affiliation with Christ. Restore people who have walked away from Christ. And to Reconcile all to a healthy relationship with Christ.

As COVID-19 and its impact on our country, community, and especially our churches, challenges us to reconsider, reevaluate, and restructure how we do ministry and share the Gospel. The information contained on the website will allow the members, prospective member, as well as the community at large to continuously engage with the activities of the church

Again, we invite and welcome you. We look forward to the opportunity of developing a Christ-centered relationship with you and serving you as we seek to grow the Kingdom of God.

In HIS service,

Pastor Terry Townes, Senior Pastor

Pastor Dr. Harold A. Hudson, Pastor Emeritus


Our Mission

It is our mission to Reach people who have no affiliation with Christ. Restore people who have walked away from Christ. And to Reconcile all to a healthy relationship with Christ. Reaching – Reaching has an explanation, but Restoring and Reconciling doesn’t. Matthew 9:37-38 (NRSV)

We belong


believers who love God and love one another. We pride ourselves on being a community, maybe not residential but united on faith in Jesus Christ. We express this sense of community through prayer, fellowship, and service towards one another and the community.
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