Our History

Calvary Tremont Missionary Baptist Church

The Calvary Tremont Missionary Baptist Church was founded on March 25, 1928, by the late Reverend Lukas Hunter. The church was originally called “Mount Calvary Baptist Church”. There were few members and very little money. One year after its establishment, the founding pastor, Reverend Hunter, left the church. The church began to struggle, and members began to drift away. Some members held on under the leadership of Deacon Arnold Wimberly; his wife Ella, and their daughter, Alberta (Aunt Dolly) Thompson (all now deceased)

Another church known as “Tremont Temple Baptist Church”, was also without a pastor and had few members. A business meeting was called between the two churches, and they agreed to merge and become one church under the name of “Mount Calvary Tremont Temple Baptist Church”. At the suggestion of Sister Eliza Carson, a Tremont Temple member, the name of the church was shortened to “Calvary Tremont Baptist Church”, located at 579 N. Ohio Avenue.

Mount Calvary had five members and $3.00, Tremont Temple had six members and $4.00, for a combined treasury of just $7.00. Because of the Great Depression (1929 – 1939) money was scarce. The rent on the church was fifty cents ($.50) a week, and sadly in arrears, and still without a pastor.

By the grace of God, in 1933, there was a young preacher, at the age of thirty-five, in ministry at Friendship Baptist Church, under the leadership of the late Reverend R. T. Gleaves who recommended that Reverend William James Payden (now deceased) become the pastor of Calvary Tremont Baptist Church. In that same year (1933), Calvary Tremont called Reverend Payden to be its first pastor.

Pastor Payden came with a vision; immediately taking charge, teaching, preaching, and organizing Calvary Tremont. Because of the scarcity of funds, he consented to pastor for little or no salary. The church experienced the growth of new members and the return of former members. Pastor Payden’s first candidate for Baptism was Sister Betty Jane (Adams) Pace (now deceased), granddaughter of Deacon and Sister Arnold Wimberly.

The church began to grow which necessitated the consideration of a larger building. Pastor Payden immediately initiated a search for a new location. It came to his attention that there was a house for sale at 579 North Ohio Avenue. Knowing the church could not afford to buy the house, he negotiated a lease with an option to buy with the owner, who wanted to sell the property outright. After much prayer and further discussion, the owner agreed to Pastor Payden’s terms. At the new location, the church experienced more growth, and was able to pay Pastor Payden a small salary, but not nearly enough to support his family totally, therefore, it was necessary for him to continue work another job.

The mortgage on the first church building was burned in 1948. In 1950, our current location at 1255 Leonard Avenue was acquired. Work began immediately to build God’s house. Ground was broken for the basement foundation, however, soon after commencement of work, came “The Great Thanksgiving Blizzard of 1950”. Ohio State football fans may remember it as the “Snow Bowl” rivalry game against that team up north, that significantly delayed the construction process until spring of 1951. The work was supervised by Reverend Hairston (now deceased).

The church members held dinners, lawn-fates, raffles, and other activities to raise money for the new church.

In 1955, the congregation moved into the basement of the present church, which was heated by a coal stove. Worship services and other activities were held there for the next seven years, while work continued on the building. On Easter Sunday in 1962, the cornerstone was laid and the congregation marched upstairs into the new sanctuary.


Two Calvary members, Deacon Alex Robinson, and Deacon Isaac Dawkins (both deceased) were brick masons who helped to complete the installation of the brick exterior. On February 16, 1976, The Lord called Pastor Payden home to rest. He preached the Word, pastored his flock, and completed his assignment as pastor of Calvary Tremont. When he departed this life, Calvary Tremont was blessed to be debt-free, because he insisted that we pay for everything as we go. For this edifice, Calvary never burned a mortgage because at this time, we never had one. From 1977 – 1987, Reverend Frank L. Hearns was our pastor. He led the church in a major remodeling program that included the pulpit, the vestibule, Sunday School rooms, the choir stand, and finance room.

During this period, the church also purchased glass doors for the sanctuary, an organ, and a new piano. In 1987, Pastor Hearns was called to pastor the First Baptist Church of Akron, Ohio. For the next fifteen months, Calvary Tremont was without pastor. With the help God, the leadership of the Official Board, and the congregation, we stayed together and grew stronger and closer spiritually.


In November of 1988, the Lord sent Calvary a new pastor, Reverend Joseph Carter. On Sunday, Christmas morning of that same year, Pastor Carter preached his first sermon as pastor of Calvary Tremont. On that day, Pastor Carter, along with his wife (Alzena); their sons Brian and Stephen Carter, sisters; Anna Bell Carter (now deceased) and his Mother, became a loving part of the Calvary family.

Pastor Carter was an excellent instructor of the Word. Under his leadership, he implemented and taught some courses of study called “Survival Kit for New Christians” and “Experiencing God”. He initiated early Sunday Morning Prayer Services and Prayer Partners.

Through pledges to the building fund, Calvary was able to acquire the two more contiguous lots to the church, and plans were underway to pave the parking lots. The church membership increased, and four new deacons were ordained. In addition, the name of the church was changed to include the word “Missionary”. The church, since that time became known as “Calvary Tremont Missionary Baptist Church”.

In October 1996, Reverend Harold A. Hudson was called to Calvary Tremont Missionary Baptist Church. Pastor Hudson was blessed with exceptional pastoral attributes that went above and beyond, especially his frequent visits and calls, demonstrated his love and sincere caring for the flock. In ministerial circles he’s earned the title of “Pastors Pastor” for his leadership and mentoring of young preachers seeking advice and direction. Pastor Hudson believed strongly in evangelism and community outreach. In 1999, he established the Life Savers Development Corporation address community’s health, education, and housing needs. During his pastorate, the food pantry was expanded and enriched with the Link Food Program; the parking lot was paved, the kitchen and basement were remodeled, two new vans were purchased, a house adjacent to the church was purchased, a new roof was installed, balcony renovated, and new outdoor signs were purchased. He served as Moderator of the Eastern Union Missionary Baptist Association from 1998 to 2001.

In that same year, the church voted to accept the architectural drawings for the new educational wing and to purchase the properties west of the church. Pastor Hudson embodies what stepping out on faith really means. God sent Calvary a great leader who had a vision for the new millennium. In 2002, led Calvary in the “Catch the Calvary Vision” pledge program that raised funds for the complete renovation of the sanctuary and all church offices. This included the pulpit, balcony, choir stand, new carpet installation, pew reupholstering, and lighting fixtures. In 2003, Calvary purchased a new lighted sign, burned the mortgage for the southeast lot at Ohio and Leonard Avenues, and launched “Camp Exploration”, a Summer Day Camp.

Calvary developed a new Educational Wing to the church. Since its completion, the Education Wing has housed our Sunday school, the Hannah Dillard summer Day Camp, and the No Child Left Behind Tutoring Program.

In addition, the Education Wing housed two Charter Schools. Pastor Hudson led Calvary in participating in the American Red Cross’ Annual Charles W. Drew Blood Drive for several years. In 2007, through the efforts of the Life Savers Development Corporation, a minibus was donated to Calvary, and the mortgage was burned on the house adjacent to the church. Pastor Hudson was not only a pastor with a vision, but he was also a passionate educator. He received his Doctor of Ministry from United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio in 2003. He became a doctoral mentor for United in 2004. In 2006, Dr. Hudson became an adjunct Professor at Ohio Christian University and in 2008, was voted Outstanding Professor of the Year. He has served on the Board of Trustees at United since 2005, and the Board of Directors at Maryhaven Addiction and Behavioral Health Services. On April 2, 2009, Dr. Hudson was inducted to the Morehouse College, Martin Luther King, Jr., International Board of Preachers in Atlanta, Georgia. He served as Interim Dean of Doctoral Studies at United Theological Seminary in 2009, and because of outstanding efforts, in 2011 was awarded the permanent position, in addition to being appointed Vice President of Admissions. Pastor Hudson retired in December of 2016, he retired from Calvary Tremont after 20 years, with a total of 30 years in ministry.

A new era began for Calvary Tremont on January 1, 2017, when Elder Jamar Turner began as Calvary’s 6th as Pastor. Pastor Turner came to Calvary Tremont as a youth pastor intern, completing field study credits with Ashland Theological Seminary. On December 5th, 2016, He was unanimously selected and voted in as the youngest pastor of the Calvary Tremont Missionary Baptist Church at the tender age of 29. He comes from the ministry tree of Bishop Jerome H. Ross, Pastor Emeritus of the Triedstone Missionary Baptist Church. Pastor Turner arrived and immediately hit the ground running, organizing a new vision for Calvary Tremont M.B. Church. In his first order of business, he instituted an intercessor ministry and restructured our service to 90 minutes of power. He added new members classes and fasting and prayer goals. He introduces fresh values and a fresh mission; to “Reach people who have no affiliation with Christ. Restore people who have walked away from Christ. And to Reconcile all to a healthy relationship with Christ,” which continues to be our mission today.

On December 29, 2019, Pastor Turner resigned as pastor and God had a ram in the bush…Reverend Terry J. Townes, who joined Calvary in December, of 2014, as an Associate Minister and served as Calvary’s Church Administrator under Dr. Harold Hudson, and Executive Pastor, under Elder Jamar Turner assumed the leadership role as pastor from January 2020 to March of 2021. On March 14, 2021, the Church voted to make Reverend Townes, its new pastor. He was ordained on July 11, 2021, and installed on August 1, 2021, making him the 7th pastor in the 93-year history of Calvary Tremont. He came with a wealth of administrative skills and leadership experience in the church and community. In his 24 years in ministry, he has served two churches as interim pastor. He was responsible for facilitating the installation of two new HVAC units of the Education Wing, and the establishment and enhancement of the media ministry. As a pastor called to this office during a global pandemic, he quickly and efficiently utilized his technical skills to implement virtual and in-person services to keep the congregation engaged. Pastor Townes is a hands-on pastor and serves unapologetically to advance God’s Kingdom by any means necessary.